2011年12月12日 星期一

Senior Moments – for week of December 12

Buddhists believe in reincarnation and that whatever is done in this life directly affects what happens in our next existence, a cause and effect principle known as karma. Now I don’t know what occurs after death, whether I’ll end up in heaven or hell or perhaps as a chicken in a tiny coop having to lay eggs twice a day, but I’m positive that performing a random act of kindness or doing the right thing for no other reason than it’s the right thing to do is always appreciated and never forgotten, at least not by the recipient. It’s immaterial whether or not Santa will bring a special gift or if the favor will ever be returned as in the fable of “Androcles and the Lion”, it’s just that helping others beats the heck out of acting like a mean old grinch.Graphene is not a semiconductor, not an Plastic mould , and not a metal,

When I was in the Army taking Basic Training at Fort Dix, NJ it was a particularly cold winter that year so the military issued each of us an additional piece of clothing, a heavy shirt made of 100% wool for extra warmth. Since the GIs working in the company laundry were all men and didn’t know what washing in hot water would do to woolen fabric (as any woman would), the garments they distributed had all shrunk several sizes.It's hard to beat the versatility of polished tiles on a production line. Since I wore a medium, the shirt I was given would have fit Barbie’s boyfriend Ken or maybe the doll GI Joe but was surely of no use to me. The dogface who slept in the bunk next to mine was a huge guy, a gentle giant ironically named Romeo who looked more like he belonged on a football field than on a balcony wooing Juliet, and his XXX large frame couldn’t fit into the shirt he had received any more than I could wear mine. Out of simple decency he offered his shirt to me, someone he had never before seen and after eight weeks would never see again. His gift fit perfectly and for me made the near zero temperatures a little more bearable, a kindness that was only beneficial for a mere few weeks yet has never been forgotten.If so, you may have a cube puzzle . Sorry if this is getting maudlin but his gesture wasn’t done out of a desire for gratitude or reward, and while I’m certain he never gave it another thought, at that moment in time there was nothing I could have enjoyed more except perhaps some warmer weather or an early end to Basic Training.

Wherever Romeo is now, for his sake I hope the Buddhists have the right conception of the hereafter because then his next incarnation will deservedly be as a maharajah surrounded by hundreds of beautiful women or as a wealthy owner of an ice cream parlor where he can gorge himself on all the free malts and sundaes he desires. I only hope I’m his indispensable adviser or assistant,By Alex Lippa Close-up of zentai in Massachusetts. though unlike him I really have done nothing to deserve such an idyllic future existence.A long established toolmaking and trade Injection moulds company.

