2011年12月26日 星期一

Gov`t to tighten rules on credit card issuance next year

From the first half of next year, credit card issuance will be limited to people aged 20 or older who have more income than debt and who belong to grade one to six in credit ratings.

Out of the 6.8 million people with credit grades seven to 10, four million who have no credit cards will be banned from getting the plastic in principle.

It is also uncertain whether the credit card owned 2.8 million people with grades seven or lower will be allowed to get renewals when their cards expire.

The Financial Services Commission and the Financial Supervisory Service announced Monday the plan to reshuffle the card market aimed at curbing credit card issuance while promoting the use of debit or check cards.

The two financial watchdogs adjusted upward the age of people eligible for credit card acquisition from 18 to 20, the adult age under civil law,An offshore merchant account is the ideal solution for high ," and added the rule that people should have income exceeding the amount of principle and interests they pay in debt repayment, as well as having credit rating ranging from 1 to 6.

People who must acquire welfare cards such as teens without guardians, and housewives who stay at home while their husbands work, however, will be allowed to get their credit cards as exceptions. With the introduction of the credit rating requirement, four million people without credit cards among those with low credit ratings of grades seven to 10 cannot get credit cards unless they demonstrate that they have enough assets or income to pay for their credit card spending.

A 24-hour settlement system will also galvanize the use of debit cards and significantly increase the number of vendors using such cards for transactions. Because consumers can only use debit cards to buy up to the amount of their savings, the debit card is very effective in reducing household debts.An Air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from the air.You can find best china Precision injection molds manufacturers from here! The commission fees vendors pay to financial institutions for debit card-based transactions are also lower than that of credit cards.

New infrastructure for debit card use is planned for next year so that consumers can also use the debit cards without limit in service hours at vendors that accept credit cards. In addition, the government will request card companies to issue cards with the dual functions of credit and debit-based payments and lead consumers to be more comfortable using debit cards.

The dual function card is designed to enable consumers to pay for purchases first from their savings, and then use the credit function to pay for the remnant.

In the first quarter of next year, credit card companies has to ask customers whether they want to keep the cards or not through email or phone if those customers have not used the cards for more than one year. If customers want to nullify their cards, credit card companies must cancel them immediately.

Credit card companies will also be banned from conducting marketing activities such as bonus mileage points.

If a customer fails to respond within a month, the credit card in question will get suspended and then unconditionally nullified three months later. This means that a credit card that remains unused for one year and five months will become automatically nullified.

The financial authority will also tightly manage credit limits in order to handle mounting household debts due to reckless use of plastic. For this purpose, credit card companies should define credit limits when a client first signs up for a credit card, and set the credit limit at an appropriate level by considering the member`s capacity to repay, credit rating, and records of credit card use.

The government`s strict control of credit limit does not mean credit card companies can arbitrarily change or halt auxiliary service of credit cards. They will be banned from changing the conditions of auxiliary service within one year after card issuance, and must inform users of any changes six months prior to changes even after one year.

The commission fees vendors pay to credit card companies, a topic of heated controversy, will change from one based on industry type to one on an individual vendor basis. Instead of setting commission rates by the sectors of food and restaurants, luxury and entertainment, individual member vendors will be charged varying rates of commissions according to sales volume and cost portions.Wholesaler of different types of Ceramic tile for your kitchen,

Detail measures will be finalized in the first quarter of next year, when the Credit Finance Association will announce the results of a study.Omega Plastics are leading plastic injection moulding and injection mould tooling specialists.

