2011年7月4日 星期一

Unhappy neighbor can't complain anonymously

Q: Why does our manager sit in the office all day playing cards on the computer rather than taking care of this property? One home has been boarded up and trash has piled up in front of the house. Another owner puts bed clothing out to air and hangs it on the fence for days. Our irrigation system does not work properly and there are many areas of dead grass. There is another home where the residents never place their trash out for pickup. What can you do to help?

¡ª No Name,An Insulator, also called a dielectric, Orlando

Answer: I am not the person to provide help for the final answer to your question, but I can provide guidance for you to solve your problem.What are the top Hemroids treatments? If the manager is not performing, you must address the problem with the board. You need to write the board a signed letter and provide evidence of the manager's neglect. It is a board's responsibility to properly operate the association, and that means instructing the manager.

If homes are in the process of foreclosure, the board's responsibility is limited. There are legal procedures for the board to follow in order to enter onto a private lot to make repairs, cut the grass or remove trash. The legal term is called "self-help." If owners are in violation of the rules, such as the airing of bedding, then the board must enforce the rules. It is not automatically the manager's responsibility; however the board can assign the duty to the manager.

If you do not like what you see in your community, then take the responsibility to communicate in writing to the board with the information and sign your name. If you are that concerned,Find everything you need to know about Cold Sore including causes, talk to your neighbors and have them write to the board.

Normally I do not publish an answer to a question that is not signed. Please provide your name and address in any question you send to me.

Q: We have a new condominium president who feels that he does not need to comply with the statutes. Recently, he fired the landscape company and hired a new company. When I questioned the action, I was told that the decision was made by email. I questioned if the firing and new contract had been discussed at a board meeting. The answer was that the matters had not been discussed at a board meeting. Please advise me if I am out of touch with how business can be conducted without a formal board meeting?

¡ª GM, Leesburg

Answer: All business decisions must be finalized at a board meeting. While email can be used for emergency issues, they must be ratified at the next board meeting. Failure to have formal decisions such as the canceling and approval of new contracts may place the board and association in a weak position if one of the contracts is contested. If the board is not discussing business at board meetings,is the 'solar panel revolution' upon us?what are the symptoms of Piles, they are in violation of the statutes.

