2011年7月24日 星期日

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Aspen trees are one of the hallmarks of Colorado.As many processors back away from offshore merchant account , Not only is a famous ski area and town named after the tree,Unlike traditional cube puzzle , but they are depicted in most of the beautiful fall pictures of the Rocky Mountains. The unique-shaped leaves are dipped in gold and silver and made into jewelry and sold in local gift and jewelry shops.

One popular trivia question is: What is the largest organism in the world ? It is the Aspen!

Aspen typically grow in large colonies which are clones derived from a single seedling, and spread by root suckers. New stems in the colony can appear 130 feet from the parent tree.

An individual tree can live for 40-150 years above ground, but the root system of the colony is long-lived and can be thousands of years old.

They send up new trunks as the older trunks die off above ground. A colony in Utah is thought to be 80,000 years old.The additions focus on key tag and plastic card combinations,

Some aspen colonies become very extensive, spreading about 3 feet a year, eventually covering many acres.

Aerial surveys of Colorado completed in 2006 show that almost 60 percent of aspen forests in Colorado, mostly the mature trees, died between 2003 and 2006.

Lower-elevation forests generally have higher mortality than upper-elevation forests. In many cases, trees younger than about 50 years have survived.

The severe droughts of those past years may have played a role in the widespread death of aspen trees.

A wide variety of insects and diseases occur in aspen forests as well. Fungal diseases and stem borer insects are more common as trees become moreTraditional Air purifier claim to clean all the air in a room. stressed.

Forest tent caterpillars eat aspen leaves, and periodic outbreaks may defoliate entire aspen canopies in early summer.If so, you may have a kidney stone .

