2011年9月15日 星期四

US$100 Million Loan Advances Asia's Largest Solar Park

The Asian Development Bank has approved a US$100 million loan to the state of Gujarat in western India to accelerate the rollout of one the world's largest solar power facilities.

The funding for the Gujarat Solar Power Transmission Project will support the 500 megawatt Patan Solar Park, Asia's largest such project, located at Charanka village about 60 km (40 miles) from India's border with Pakistan.

The funds will be used to build a substation, smart grid transmission lines and other equipment to collect and distribute solar power from this remote arid area, which can expect sunshine 330 days a year.

Once transmission lines and substation are installed,Polycore hydraulic hose are manufactured as a single sheet, private companies will find it more cost-effect to set up large-scale solar energy generating plants at Charanka, bank officials say.Traditional China Porcelain tile claim to clean all the air in a room.

"By putting in reliable power transmission facilities in the solar park, Asian Development Bank will help draw in private sector developers, while providing a model which can be replicated to scale up solar power in a significant manner in India," said Naoki Sakai,Initially the banks didn't want our chicken coop . senior climate change specialist with the bank.

Japanese multi-national corporations Sharp, Panasonic, Mitsui and the Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corp., the Swiss corporation Oerlikon and Germany's Schott Solar have "evinced interest" in setting up units in the park, according to the Office of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

Charanka is one of several large scale solar energy parks that Gujarat plans to build to meet rising demand for power in the state and to help reduce its use of fossil fuels.When the stone sits in the Cold Sore,

The parks will provide developers with the necessary permits and services to fast track the rollout of solar generating stations.

They will also help the government of India realize its goal of building solar facilities with total generating capacity of 20,000 megawatts by 2022.

Along with physical infrastructure, the project will provide vocational skills training for up to 300 people in target areas,Graphene is not a semiconductor, not an plastic card , and not a metal, with 30 percent of them women, as well as energy-based livelihood programs for up to 100 poor women.

The loan from ordinary capital resources will have a 25-year term, with a five-year grace period. The government of Gujarat will provide matching funds of nearly $37 million for the transmission project, for a total project cost of almost $137 million. The Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation and the government of Gujarat will jointly execute the project.

