2011年6月16日 星期四

ENERGY STAR qualified new homes: features and benefits

Heating and cooling systems: All furnaces and air conditioners are ENERGY STAR qualifi ed. The annual fuel utilization effi ciency rating (AFUE) of furnaces complies with rigorous Canadian minimum effi ciency requirements. As a result, you use less fuel and save money.

Sealed ductwork: Ducts gain effi ciency by providing heating and cooling to designated areas only. In addition, there is less leakage at duct joints because all supply and return trunk ducts and all take-offs are sealed. This means that less heat is lost as air moves from the furnace to the living areas of your home and air conditioning is evenly and properly distributed.

Windows and doors: All windows and doors comply with Canada's ENERGY STAR qualifi cations based on regional climate zone. This helps to reduce condensation, refl ect sunlight away in the summer and keep heat in during the winter. This feature alone could cut more than 10 percent off your energy costs.

Wall and ceiling insulation: There is more insulation in the ceilings, walls, and foundations of an ENERGY STAR qualifi ed home than in a conventionally built home.Full color plastic card printing and manufacturing services. This reduces heat loss, puts less strain on your heating and cooling systems and keeps your house more comfortable.

Air tightness requirements: ENERGY STAR qualifi ed new homes must meet rigorous airtightness targets.Save on hydraulic hose and fittings, Reduced air movement through the building envelope, as revealed by an air leakage test, means less draftiness for the homeowner. Inclusion of a heat recovery ventilation system (HRV) creates improved air quality.

Heat recovery ventilation (HRV): HRVs exchange fresh outside air for stale interior air while retaining the heat from the exhaust air.Choose from one of the major categories of Bedding, This provides an energy effi cient, healthier home, and helps control humidity.From standard Cable Ties to advanced wire tires,

Independent third party verification: Every ENERGY STAR qualifi ed home is inspected and verifi ed by an independent evaluator,Not to be confused with RUBBER MATS available at your local hardware store licensed by Natural Resources Canada.

