2012年3月8日 星期四

Sheriff opposes needle access program

Sheriff Justin SmiMDC Mould specialized of Injection moulds,th opposes a syringe access program for the same reason he rallied against medical marijuana dispensaries: He believes they condone and promote drug use.

However, research from the Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization and other prominent public health agencies show otherwise,We offer offshore merchant account, according to the Northern ColAorado Aids Project,Online fine art gallery of quality original landscape oil paintings, which wants to establish a clean needle program to prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis.

Twenty-five years of research on needle access programs worldwide show that, instead of increased crime and drug use, communities with these programs actually see increased access to treatment and counseling, less spread of disease and less dangerous needles discarded in trash and alleys.

"Their injection drug use does not depend on us," Jeff Basinger, executive director of NCAP, said at a stakeholder meeting Wednesday to discuss the option of creating a needle exchange in Larimer County.

"If we don't provide them with a clean needle, they'll be out there injecting with a dirty one."

With offices in Greeley and Fort Collins, Northern Colorado Aids Projects provides counseling,Distributes and manufactures RUBBER SHEET, emergency food help, referrals to rehabilitation and other services to residents who are suffering from or at risk of contracting HIV or hepatitis. Last year, 219 of those clients were injection drug users.

Now, the agency would like to follow an international trend and hand out clean syringes along with safe containers to dispose of used, dirty syringes as well as education and referrals to treatment.

They believe their already established rapport will help the drug users reach out to treatment and, in the meantime, the clean needles would stop the spread of disease.

Several drug counselors and public health officials from the area spoke in favor of establishing a program at the Wednesday session.

They believe the research shows it works, and fears of increased drug use are not realized in communities that have a syringe access program.

"We're very much supportive of this kind of program," said Andrea Coryell, representing treatment professionals at Colorado State University.

She compared offering clean needles to offering condoms; both, she said protect from but do not encourage risky behaviors.

Smith disagreed. He said offering clean syringes is like a stamp of approval for injection drug use. "If we condone things, we get more of the behavior," Smith said, drawing a connection to medical marijuana dispensaries.

"In the long term, do we send a message to kids to future generations that it's OK."

Basinger and Craig Chapin, a member of the NCAP board, disputed Smith's worry, saying a needle access program is a public health measure that can save lives and, in the long run, save public health dollars spent treating deadly diseases.

Before NCAP can establish a needle access program it must receive approval and oversight from the Larimer County Board of Health. The board is reviewing research and meeting with stakeholders and,An Air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from the air. next month, will schedule a meeting to hear from residents.

If the program is approved, NCAP would begin to hand out needles to clients -- along with education and referrals to treatment -- later this year. The funding for the program is from a private nonprofit; no tax money would be used.

