2012年3月6日 星期二

Issue highlights of AMT March 2012 magazine from AMTIL

The March 2012 issue of the AMT magazine from AMTIL features articles on robotics in manufacturing, Enterprise Connect, additive manufacturing, supply chain capabilities, CAD technology and OHS harmonisation laws compliance among others.

‘Manufacturing with robots: The road ahead’ by Frank Tobe covers the launches in Europe of pi4-Robotics’ Workerbot and Japan’s Motoman’s two-armed headless robot, plus the anticipated launch in the US of Heartland Robotics’ Factory Assistant Robot as examples of the marriage of industrial and service robots.

The Minister for Manufacturing, Senator Kim Carr writes on the importance of some manufacturing industries for national defence in ‘The arsenal of democracy’.

Australian Industry Group Chief Executive,What is a third party payment gateway ? Heather Ridout expresses concern over the serious shortfall in literacy and numeracy skills in Australian workplaces as Ai Group continues to seek solutions to this disturbing situation in ‘Time to act on basic skills’.

AMWU National Secretary, Dave Oliver expresses his views in ‘Co-investment or tariffs or no auto industry’ while a feature on Austech 2012 sees an opportunity for the soaring Aussie dollar.

In the ‘One on One’ section, Grant Anderson, ANCA CEO is interviewed by Nina Hendy.

The Automation feature in the latest AMT edition covers Festo’s success in deciphering the flight of birds using the ‘SmartBird’, thus accomplishing a breakthrough in automation technology.MDC Mould specialized of Injection moulds,

A feature on Australian-owned tooling developers, Sutton Tools by Martin Oakham focuses on the company’s use of robotics in automating the transport of components from one machine to another employing a palletised system.

In addition to the article ‘Transforming business via the Clean Energy Future Package’ by AMTIL CEO Shane Infanti, the AMTIL Inside section features the article ‘Overcome growth barriers & transforming waste into cash’ and how Technology and Knowledge Connect (TKC) provides expert technology and technical knowledge advice to eligible Australian business as part of the Australian Government’s initiative: Enterprise Connect.

Other features in AMTIL Inside include ‘Austech shines the spotlight on digital and additive manufacturing’, ‘ManufactureLink – Australia’s most powerful online director’, and ‘Innovate 2012 at Austech’.

Company Focus features MiniFAB in the article ‘Australia’s leading micro-nano-bio company has eye on the future’ in which Graeme McLean explains MiniFAB’s mission to create business success for the company, its clients and its partners by developing and manufacturing real world solutions and products using micro and nanotechnologies.

Articles in the Material Removal section include ‘ThyssenKrupp: The importance of a good supply chain’ by Lachlan Colquhoun, which All RUBBER MATS is comprised of all types of mats,dwells on the company’s processing capabilities, their customers and major projects in addition to an article by Graeme McLean, ‘HM Precision Grinding: Specialisation key to success’ on the Melbourne-based company saving costs and production time for customers with custom manufacturing and repairs to high precision spindles.

The Safety section features ‘OneVentures cleans up underground mining’, an article on OneVentures Innovation Fund’s first clean technology investment to support Brisbane-based company Peak3 Pty Ltd to commercialise products and services for the management, treatment and monitoring of diesel engine particular emissions.

Other articles in the section include a feature on air movement specialist, Fanquip’s confined spaces management service for all industrial sectors in addition to safety management software specialist, Myosh explaining how businesses should act now to ensure their compliance with the new OHS harmonisation laws.

Workholding features ‘A close look at indexable chucks’ by Chris Brown and ‘Custom workholding reduces production times’ by Barbara Schulz.

TheInjection molding and Plastic molding supplier, Direct Manufacturing section covers additive manufacturing in ‘Precision fabrication, layer by layer’ in addition to an article on the efforts of a consortium of companies working with a German university to advance the state of additive manufacturing processes in ‘Direct manufacturing gets a high-flying boost’.

The software coverage in the current AMT edition includes SolidCAM IMachining and Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology, especially the use of the latter to create a giant bathroom faucet and two-tap sculpture using 3DVIA software from Dassault Systèmes’ Solidworks’ CAD solutions.

The AMTIL Forum section features Forum OHS: Planning for WHS management, Forum Law: PPS – it’s now law and Forum Quality: Simplifying ISO 9000 compliance.Here's a complete list of oil painting supplies for the beginning oil painter.

