2012年1月2日 星期一

Experts share tips on reaching goals for 2012

David Bass knows what it’s like to break a New Year’s resolution.

He tried to quit smoking seven different times before actually ditching the habit about eight years ago.

“It’s one of the hardest resolutions to keep,” Bass, a respiratory manager at Rowan-Regional Medical Center, said. “It’s like Mark Twain said: “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world, I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.’”

Spencer resident Ann Bostian said her resolutions usually revolve around losmoldsing weight.

“Every January, I start and make it until about March,” she said. “Every year, it’s the same, and every year, I add about three pounds to the previous year’s weight.

“But I never give up, and each year my resolution is the same: Think thin.”

Earlene Brown,Ventilation system a psychiatric clinical nurse specialist at Rowan Regional, said there are many reasons why people don’t follow through with New Year’s resolutions.

“People don’t keep their resolutions because change is hard work,” she said. “It takes a lot of time and effort, and we have to consciously think about making that change.”

Setting broad goals can lead to failure.

“Say somebody says, ‘I want to get in shape,’ ” Brown said. “Well that can mean a lot of different things.”

In her practice, Brown encourages people to make SMART goals. SMART is an acronym for specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable and timely.

“We try to make that goal very specific so if you or I looked at that person’s behavior we could see a difference,” she said. “Sometimes if we have a fuzzy goal, it’s hard to tell if we’ve reached it or not.”

Brown said many people also think about resolutions in a black-and-white manner.

“They have that all or nothing thinking that they have to be perfect,” she said. “Sometimes its easier if we get discouraged and just give up rather than recommitting.polished tiles

If someone slips and eats a slice of cheesecake or smokes a cigarette, Brown said they oftentimes think they’ve failed at their goal to lose weight or quit smoking, but that’s not the case.

“You have to keep getting back on the wagon,” she said.

A Post reporter gathered advice from local experts about how to keep some of the most common New Year’s resolutions. Many of them agree that the key to success is persistence.

“If you fall off your health wagon 100 times, try again,” says Ester Marsh, associate executive director of the J.F. Hurley Family YMCA. “And don’t wait until the New Year, try not to give up.”

Steve Fisher, president of F&M Bank, said the key to saving money is figuring out how much you can spare and then getting it out of your regular checking account as soon as possible.

“Use a payroll deduction or an automatic transfer from checking to savings,” he said. “If you don’t see it, you don’t miss it and you learn to live on what you see there.oil paintings for sale

Another tip Fisher offers is making it harder to access.

“Don’t make it easy to transfer into your checking account on the Internet,” he said.

Fisher suggests setting up your account where you can only make withdrawals or transfers at the bank.

“The easier it is to get, the quicker it is to use those savings,” he said.

Fisher said it’s important for people to pay themselves first, by dedicating a portion of each paycheck to savings.

“Make it a habit and make it something you won’t miss,” he said. “Because there will be a time when you need it so you want to make sure that money is there.”

Valerie Velte, a community and corporate outreach nurse for Rowan-Regional and the wellness nurse for the Rowan County YMCAs, said those looking to make some changes in their diet should start small.

That can include changes like ditching salt, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and avoiding processed and fried foods.

But Velte said it’s less about what people eat and more about their habits, like how many times a day and how much they eat.

“In general, smaller meals throughout the day are better than three larger meals,” she said. “And avoid eating after 7 p.m.”

Velte said people should also branch out and try new things.

“If a person has never tried soy, I encourage them to try a Boca burger or something like that,” she said. “When you put a lot of toppings and healthy stuff on it, you make yourself think you’re eating a regular burger.”

Another key to healthy eating is planning out meals.

“Sit down and take time to figure out what you’re going to eat,” Velte said. “That way you’re not scrounging around looking for food and eating something you don’t want.”

Velte said changing habits is also a good start.

That can mean switching from frying to baking, eating breakfast instead of skipping out, measuring quantities, reading labels,Injection Moulding Manufacturer replacing water with soda and never eating in the car.

“Be organized, get rid of the foods that you know are not good for you,” she said. “Start fresh.”

And Velte said it’s important to recognize triggers.

“If chocolate is your trigger keep your box of chocolates on the very top shelf of your kitchen,” she said. “As you’re climbing up there to get a piece it will raise your awareness.”

But don’t completely deprive yourself of cravings. That could lead to failure.

“Let yourself have a little,” Velte said.

“If they haven’t been working out at all they need to take baby steps,” Marsh said. “If you’ve never gone to the gym before, start with once a week and make that a regular thing until you get up to three to fives times a week.

“Most people will stop because they go too hard, too soon, too fast.”

After people get an exercise regimen down, they need to focus on reaching their target heart rate, which is calculated as between 60 and 85 percent of 220 minus their age.

“That’s where you need to be,” Marsh said. “If you are just moving and not exerting yourself, you won’t see the benefits.”

And results take time, Marsh said.

“It may take you 20 years to put 50 pounds on and some people want it gone in a month,” she said. “It’s going to take a little while.”

But Marsh said people will notice some changes rather quickly.

“The health benefits start almost immediately when you walk through the doors,” she said. “If you don’t like to exercise, hang on to the health benefits ... you are going to feel better instantly.

“If you put health as the No. 1 focus, the rest will come.”

Lou Adkins, a housing counselor with the Salisbury Community Development Corporation, said the first and most important piece of advice she has for those looking to get a handle on debt is “do not use charge cards.”

