2012年2月23日 星期四

Fire Department puts new tanker in service

Perkins Volunteer Fire Department recently added a new tanker to its fleet.

Fire Chief Joe Barta said the department received the equipment at no cost from the Oklahoma Department of Forestry through a Department of Defense program.

However, the 1983 military all-wheel drive cargo truck needed a lot of work before it could be placed in service.

Barta said members of the volunteer fire department provided that work during their free time over the past year.

“We have a very dedicated group of individuals who do a lot of work here,” Barta said.Bathroom Floor tiles at Great Prices from Topps Tiles. “They put in about 465 hours installing the tank on the truck, wiring, welding, and painting it.

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The cost of parts and equipment for the tanker ran approximately $10,000.

Perkins Tanker 2, which holds 2,500 gallons of water, will be used mostly to supply water to brush trucks, Barta said.

This unit may replace two other vehicles.

Barta said fire department volunteers work hard to maintain and improve the department’s equipment.

PFD receives around $21,000 from the county sales tax each year, but that’s not enough to purchase new, more capable fire units, Barta said.

To obtain more funding,An Air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from the air. Barta said he plans to ask Perkins City Commission to approve a new fire contract for rural residents.

Currently, rural residents can enroll in fire subscriptions for $50 per year. The subscription will cover most of the cost associated with a fire call.Omega Plastics are leading plastic injection moulding and injection mould tooling specialists. It also provides funds that help firefighters purchase new equipment and supplies,Monz Werkzeugbau und Formenbau. and pay for training.

“We are looking at restructuring the rural fire subscription to off-set costs incurred by the city for rural firefighting and,What is the top Hemorrhoids treatment? in time, begin to replace older equipment.

If approved by Perkins City Commission, the restructuring will do away with fire subscriptions, and replace them with rural fire contracts. These will cost $100 per property.

Barta said he realizes the fee increase won’t be popular with rural residents.

“We don’t have any choice,” he said. “We’ve got to maintain service to residents in town and residents out in the county.

“The city has been very supportive, but they can’t be expected to pay for rural service.”

Barta said the issue is expected to be presented to the city commission at its regular March meeting.

